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Mom & Pop Small Business Day

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Mom & Pop Small Business Day

Mom & Pop Small Business Day Header With schools closing, businesses resorting to teleworking, and more people stuck at home, our society has never been more reliant on technology. As technology experts, you are in a unique position to keep people in communication. Mom and Pop Small Business Day is this Sunday and it's the perfect opportunity to reach out to your community to offer your services to those in need. A few days ago, we sent out an email about Mom and Pop Small Business Day. The day is all about celebrating the dedicated individuals who start their own businesses. In the email, we discussed how you could extend a helping hand and support your fellow small business owners. In a time when fear and need is running high, help and support are the best ways we can give to others. The very nature of a tech repair shop is to help others fix problems that are negatively affecting their lives. Mom and Pop Small Business Day is a great chance to show just how important your shop is to the community.  Here are 3 reasons your shop needs to celebrate the day:

1.You are a small business! Take advantage of the attention of the day to set your shop apart for the big chain stores. You are a real person with a real interest in your customers. You can offer personalized service that the big box stores can’t compete with. Use your social media, email lists, or website to tell your story. Connect with your potential customers by sharing your shop's unique story.


2.Your community needs you right now. Let’s face it, things are scary. With technology serving as many peoples’ only source of communication, keeping their devices in working order is a top priority. Your experience can allay their anxiety and solve any device issues they are suffering through.


3.It gives a sense of normalcy. The world is feeling upside down lately and people are on edge. Even though it’s a small step, taking a moment to focus on something normal, like a fun special day, is an important facet of helping people to carry on as usual.

  Making a point of celebrating Mom and Pop Small Business Day lets your community know that you are still there for them. Use this moment to highlight how your shop and services can help keep people connected during this isolation period.