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Must-Have Parts for the Chinese New Year

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Must-Have Parts for the Chinese New Year

Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season. As 2016 begins, it is time to plan ahead and stock up on inventory. The Chinese New Year (or Lunar New Year) begins February 8th with festivities beginning weeks in advance and lasting weeks after. Many travel to see family or attend festivals with friends during this time. Since production is lower during this time, modifications to inventory management strategy must be made since many wireless repair shops use parts coming from China. To keep your business running smoothly, and your customers happy, we recommend ordering inventory to last your wireless repair shop one month. Place your orders before January 15th to avoid part shortages. Not sure what parts to stock up on? We have you covered. Here are the must-have wireless repair parts so far for 2016: What other inventory management strategies are you using this year? Comment below or head over to our Facebook page to join the conversation!