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iPad mini 4 Smart Cover Sensor Issues

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iPad mini 4 Smart Cover Sensor Issues

Here is the list of solutions for replaced iPad mini 4 smart cover sensor

At eTech, a few customers have run into some issues with the iPad mini 4 Smart Cover sensor on replacement screens. On each new replacement iPad mini 4 screen, there is a sensor flex cable that must be transferred from the original broken screen to the new screen. This sensor does not come attached to the screen and must be transferred prior to replacement. The sensor is located on the back of the screen under a small piece of black tape and requires micro soldering and board level repair skills to properly replace. iPad mini 4 smart cover sensor If this sensor is not transferred during screen replacement, a number of issues may occur: Essentially, if the sensor is not on the screen, it will cause the device to think it is in ‘Smart Cover’ mode all the time. When attaching the screen, it may power up at first but then quickly go black. It may only respond when you hold down the power button, then prompt you to “slide to power off" the device. When a smart cover is attached, the power button will only work if you long-press it and not when you tap to wake or put the screen to sleep. There are a number of factors that can cause issues during a repair. If these issues sound familiar or you're having similar troubles with an iPad mini 4 screen replacement, it may be due to the smart cover sensor. Make sure this flex cable is transferred and properly soldered to the new screen before proceeding. Have you ever run into this issue? What other symptoms are typical with this type of repair? Do you have any helpful repair tips to share with the Repair Community? Let us know in the comments below and as always, contact your eTech sales representative with any questions or concerns.