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US Apple Production Begining in 2013

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US Apple Production Begining in 2013

Apple CEO Tim Cook confirmed that production of an existing line of Macs will indeed take place in the US. According to Gizmodo, US production of these devices is set to begin in 2013, with many of the parts already being made in the USA. This is a big step for the one of the largest companies in the world, as most electronics are built and assembled overseas. I think this is a great opportunity for Apple to prove to our country that though not all their jobs can be moved back home, they’re at least trying.   Want a blast from the past? Watch this video to see what American Macintosh factories looked like in the past – and to poke fun of the fashion and hilarious perms of the 80s! Some of us here at eTech Parts weren’t even born when this video was created, ahem, but others have been fans of Apple since the olden days! Learn more about us by visiting our About Us section of our website. Here you’ll get to see pretty pictures of us all and learn what makes eTech Parts such a special company. As always, keep checking back for more news and information from eTech Parts.     [youtube=]