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Announcing Final Winners of the 12 Days of Giveaways!

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Announcing Final Winners of the 12 Days of Giveaways!

The end of the 12 Days of Giveaways has officially arrived! The holidays are one of our favorite times here at eTech Parts, a time to give back to the Repair Community and spread a little holiday cheer. We're pleased to announce our winners for the final 12 Days of Giveaway prizes AND a 10% OFF sale so you can get everything you really wanted for Christmas! $30 off the gTool B-Series, anyone?

3 Lucky Winners of a Spigen Backpack

Ken Lerdahl Joel Mendoza Peter Doucette 

2 Lucky Winners of a Wiha Multiuse Tool Pouch

Glenn McGloughlin Brandon Smith 

Our Grand Prize winner of a gTool B-Series is..

Jason Wheeler!


Thank you for participating in the 12 Days of Giveaways, we appreciate your support. Please contact us via email at Marketing@etechparts[.]com, call us at 913-839-1718, or send us a message on social media to claim your prize.
If you didn't win anything during our 12 Days of Giveaways, or if Santa didn't pull through this year, don't fret -- treat yo'self to 10% OFF ALL Giveaway Prizes for the rest of the week!
That's a whopping $30 off the gTool B-Series, an extra 10% off ALL Red Tape adhesive, and much, much more! Use coupon code 12DAYS at checkout and read our blog for more details. Thanks to everyone for another great year and as always, stay tuned for more from your friends at eTech Parts!