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You tell us! My biggest mistake during a repair...

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You tell us! My biggest mistake during a repair...

Our loyal customer base is never shy when it comes to posting on our eTech Parts Facebook wall, and for that we couldn’t be more pleased. We love reading the replies and stories that surface whenever we post on Facebook, so a week ago we asked our followers to complete the sentence: My biggest mistake ever made during a repair was ________ . We got several great replies with awesome back-stories - and there’s even some great advice shared between technicians. Here are some of our favorite responses.  

Chris Pierce

Unless they ordered the parts from eTech Parts...

Yourisource Brownie points to YouriSource! Quality is our middle name.

Several technicians in our repair community learned their lessons the hard way - by accident!

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Byron Stuart

Many of our technicians found common ground on which to stand..

Casey and Carl

And some even offered technical advice to other repair technicians!

Matt Hughes

And my personal favorite anecdote...


As Roy H. Williams once said, "A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether." Our main goal for the online community of repair technicians is to get techs talking about what they do best, and for all to contribute and share in the vast wealth of knowledge available. This community of open individuals sharing experiences and advice helps our customers to be as knowledgeable as possible, and helps us here at eTech Parts know what's most important to our customers.