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4th Gen iPhone Leaked!! Look at This!

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4th Gen iPhone Leaked!! Look at This!

Today Gizmodo posted a blog saying they received the 4th generation iPhone from someone who found it inside a bar in Redwood City, CA. This is a must read! [caption id="attachment_79" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="4G iphone leaked"][/caption] From Gizmodo - "According to the person who found it, this iPhone was running iPhone OS 4.0 before the iPhone 4.0 announcement. The person was able to play with it and see the iPhone 4.0 features. Then, Apple remotely killed the phone before we got access to it. We were unable to restore because each firmware is device specific—3GS firmware only loads on 3GS devices—and the there are no firmwares available for this unreleased phone. Which is another clue to its authenticity." This iPhone was in a custom made plastic case to disguise it to look like a 3GS iPhone.  Wow, I cant imagine how upset Apple must be about this! A few months ago I made some predictions about the expected features of the next iPhone. Heres a link to that post.   I'm feeling really good about my predictions :-)  Front Camera, Side located Sim card, Same size, etc. I cant wait to get my hands on this new iPhone.  You can count on us to have the 4G iPhone Parts as soon as they are available. Thanks for reading