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5 Questions to Ask Your Customers

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5 Questions to Ask Your Customers

To show your loyalty to the customer at a smartphone repair shop here are some tips for you

If you own a cell phone repair shop, are you asking your customers the right questions? Do you take the time to fully engage each client to ensure they understand your repair services? Do you explain your warranty in full, or ask how they found out about your repair shop? Communication is key to creating the ideal customer experience. If you’re not asking your customers the right questions – or you allow them to leave your shop with questions unanswered – you’re missing a huge opportunity to build customer loyalty and increase your sales. Here are 5 questions you can ask your repair shop customers today to get the conversation started and gain their loyalty for life. Smartphone Repair Shop

1. “What problems can I fix for you today?”

Because in this industry, “How can I help you?” just isn’t enough. The client is at your shop because something is broken and they need your help to fix it. While a cracked screen is the most common and most obvious repair, a phone with a cracked screen might have more damage than what meets the eye. Asking, “What problems can I fix for you today?” gives your customer a chance to fully address and disclose all the trouble they’re having with their device, while also giving them a solid first impression that you’re going to solve them. This gives you an opportunity to politely inquire about the possibility of water damage as well.

2. “Is your device for personal use or business?”

Asking this one question could change your whole conversation. If the device is for personal use, proceed to the next question. But if a customer indicates the device is used for business, this can be a goldmine opportunity to increase your B2B sales. If the customer tells you their device is for business, you can follow up by asking a few more questions, such as…
  • Where do you work? OR What do you do?
  • Does your company need a solution for fixing broken devices?
They might not have an immediate answer for the 2nd question, but at the very least it gets the conversation started. And if you’re personable, friendly, and casual in the way you ask, they might even give you a lead on the proper contact for IT services at their company or school. Make it your goal to give them a stellar customer experience, take note of the company name and their name, and reach out to the company as soon as possible (while your excellent service is fresh in the client’s mind).

3. “Is it your first time getting this device fixed?”

Asking about a device’s previous repairs is similar to a doctor asking for your medical history. It’s best to know about past procedures before you start diagnosing and troubleshooting any issues. It’s much better to know beforehand rather than after you open a device to discover damage to the logic board, missing screws, or defective replacement parts. Knowing each device’s history of repairs ahead of time will prevent you from getting blamed for another technician’s poor handiwork.

4. “How did you find out about our shop?”

There are two reasons why this is such a great question to ask your customers. First, you’ll discover which of your marketing tactics are working best – as well as which ones aren’t as effective. You’ll also learn which strategies you should focus on and tailor to attract a specific and ideal client base for your repair shop. It’s important you don’t settle for vague answers, such as “I found you online.” Instead, follow up and ask questions that will cause them to add context. Did they stumble across your most recent post on social media? What did they search to find your website on Google? Asking for context is key to refining the feedback you receive from clients.

5. “Do you have any questions for us before we start your repair?”

Always give your customers an opportunity to ask questions. You should never, ever assume your customers know as much as you know about repair processes or technology in general. Things you might consider to be common knowledge, or even basic common sense, may not occur to people who aren’t on your level of technological know-how. You should be fully prepared to answer any and all questions, to address the client’s concerns prior to accepting a device for repair. Rushing through the intake process without offering clients a chance to ask for answers or clarification, or failing to properly explain your terms of service, creates confusion for clients and frustration for you and your employees. Slow down and take the time to connect with each customer and you’ll be amazed by the results. Excellent customer service is a crucial standard for achieving success in the wireless repair industry. What questions do you ask your customers? How do you help set the standard for customer service in your community? eTech Parts wants to hear from you! Let us know in the comments below how your repair shop works towards achieving higher standards in the wireless repair industry.